TEDx Talk – Neuroscience of Device Zombies

TEDx Talk Speaker Kathryn Berkett

In this TEDx Talk video “Neuroscience of Device Zombies,” certified Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics Practitioner, Kathryn Berkett, explains how the new frontier of device use is having an impact on young people’s brains. The release of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine creates a “…euphoric buzz feeling,” says Berkett. Sources like drugs, alcohol, and sugar can generate excessive dopamine release leading to imbalance and addiction. She states social applications and games used on devices fall in this category, which is the first ingredient in her ‘Device Zombie’ Recipe – addiction to a device.



Kathryn, Berkett. “Neuroscience of Device Zombies” YouTube – TEDx Talk, 2019,