Child Counseling – Teaching Kids How to Identify and Express Emotions

child counseling wooster

Playing An Important Role

Children learn how to manage their emotions through social interactions and relationships with the people closest to them – parents, grandparents, and those who care for them.

Learning how to empower children with the ability to identify emotions of being angry, happy, nervous, sad, and frightened will allow them to express emotions in a healthy and constructive way.

The Benefits

Kids who learn healthy ways to express and cope with their feelings are more likely to:

  • Be empathic and supportive of others
  • Perform better in school and their career
  • Have more positive and stable relationships
  • Have good mental health and well-being
  • Display less behavioral problems
  • Develop resilience and coping skills
  • Feel more competent, capable and confident
  • Have a positive sense of self
(Reference 1, Reference 2)

How You Can Teach Them

