Getting Started

Phone Call

When you call Chrysalis Family Solutions, Constance, Frankie, Allyssa, or Tami, will answer any questions, collect necessary information to help decide which therapist will best meet your needs, verify insurance, and schedule your initial appointment.

Your Patient Portal

Once an appointment has been scheduled, our office staff will send you an e-mail with a link to your private patient portal. The link will lead you to electronic documents that need to be completed prior to your first visit.

If you do not have e-mail access, or prefer to provide this information on paper, please discuss this with the office staff at the time of scheduling. A session cannot begin until all paperwork is complete.

Initial Appointment

During your initial appointment, we will listen to your personal story and gather information to begin developing the best possible plan to help you achieve your goals. If the therapy is for a child, we will need to meet with the caregiver alone for the first session. If you need to bring the child with you, please bring someone along to chaperone the child in the waiting area while you meet with the therapist.

After the first session, you will be able to schedule appointments online at your convenience.

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