American Academy of Pediatrics Advises Use of Traditional Toys Over Digital


Screens are everywhere today, and with those screens we see the creation of all kinds of digital content for kids – especially games. As a parent you might find yourself asking, “Is Mario Tennis better than a Thomas train set?”

According to a new report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics, traditional toys like board games, dolls, and train sets are the better choice.

Why Not Digital?

Dr. Alan Mendelsohn, an associate professor of pediatrics at New York University School of Medicine who was a co-author of the A.A.P. statement, says one problem is the interference of relationship building. Parents and children playing together is an important part of child development that will help them later in life. (Reference)

Imagination Facilitates Development

Another developmental factor the report mentions is how traditional toys create imaginative play. “Such imaginative play ultimately facilitates language development, self-regulation, symbolic thinking, and social-emotional development.” (Reference)

The Report

You can read the report by visiting the link below: