3 Reasons to Be Proactive With Your Relationship by Attending Couples Therapy – Therapist Wooster, OH

Laurence Kendrick July 26, 2023

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Couples Therapy Wooster, OH

  • 1) Get Relationship Skills Before Issues Arise

    You don't have to wait for things to become turbulent before acquiring the essential skills for effective communication, conflict resolution, relationship repair, and displaying affection. By learning these crucial relationship skills in advance, you'll be well-prepared to address any issues that may arise in the future.

  • 2) Relationship Health and Maintenance

    Similar to how we visit our doctor for annual check-ups, a preventative session can put potential issues in the spotlight so they can treated. Consider it as a check-up for your relationship.

    Set aside an hour to discuss any emerging concerns, evaluate your communication and conflict resolution strategies, and anticipate any future challenges you may encounter and how you plan to overcome them.

  • 3) Problems May Already Exist That Will Have an Impact in the Future

    It's possible that either one of you or both of you have some underlying concerns that may not be significant enough to be immediately addressed, but they have the potential to evolve into difficult situation.

    For instance, you might find yourselves avoiding making a significant life decision because you lack consensus on what course of action to take. Alternatively, there could be unresolved feelings of resentment or hurt from the past that you're attempting to ignore in hopes that they will eventually fade away.

If you're looking to be proactive with your relationship skills, I can help.

  • Learn more about the importance of being proactive with your relationship.


Psychology Today. “3 Reasons to Do Couples Therapy Before There Are Problems". Nov 16, 2022. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/love-them-or-leave-them/202211/3-reasons-do-couples-therapy-there-are-problems

Laurence approaches counseling from a broad perspective of non-judgemental, solution-focused strategies that emphasize the individuals strengths and abilities for overcoming life’s trials, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.

He enjoys working colaboratively within a family systems relational model to maximize success  for individuals, couples, and families. Respecting your values, beliefs, and life experience, he looks forward to helping you re-imagine your life story to affirm that which is good, unique, and worthy of the peace and happiness you desire.
