The Experience of Marriage Told by Marriage Therapists

The Gottman Institute Marriage Therapists, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, 68, and Dr. John Gottman, 77, are the founders of the Gottman Institute. The Institute uses scientific studies as a foundation for helping couples develop and maintain healthy relationships. They’re co-authors of the recently published book “Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.” Their…

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Mindfulness: A Tool for Well-Being and Coping with Stress

Stress and Bouncing Thoughts We often get lost in thoughts bouncing from past and future when under stress. This can be exhausting and create clouded judgment, adding to existing stress. A powerful practice to help bring you to the present moment or now, which provides clarity and reduces stress, is mindfulness. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness…

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Parent and Baby Bonding

The Science of Early Bonding Research shows, bonding with your infant is important for emotional, social, and cognitive development. Positive and loving experiences create pathways in the brain. These pathways help memories and relationships form, and learning and logic develop. Sleep and the Present Moment Rocking your baby to sleep is a powerful bonding opportunity…

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How Anger and Irritability Are Linked to Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anger Attacks Depression is commonly associated with feelings of hopelessness, sadness and a lack of motivation or concentration. Dr. Maurizio Fava, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor at Harvard Medical School, released research on symptoms of anger and irritability also being linked with depression. He believes anger attacks, which are…

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Child Counseling – Teaching Kids How to Identify and Express Emotions

child counseling wooster

Playing An Important Role Children learn how to manage their emotions through social interactions and relationships with the people closest to them – parents, grandparents, and those who care for them. Learning how to empower children with the ability to identify emotions of being angry, happy, nervous, sad, and frightened will allow them to express…

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Mental Health Today and 9 Ways to Improve

Mental Health In Today’s Fast-Paced World The rise of the internet, wifi, and smartphones has allowed us to be more available than ever. Instant communication is part of our day-to-day which can quickly cause us to be overwhelmed and stressed. “According to British psychologist, Dr. Richard Wiseman, the overall pace of life has increased by 10% worldwide…

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